Sunday, March 27, 2016

The essence of Being

The essence of being

The life force..  or the essence.
The central zone.. Or the core.
 we all have angels and we all have demons..
from the blue jay to the eagle..
down to the sea horse and the Lochness, the essence exists..

It could be there to amplify the good in me or
to suppress Nessie who lives deep inside me..
I’m still not sure,
i do know that it is the heart and soul of my very existence..

i know the emotions i feel..
i know the material in which i believe.
i stray from my destiny n i feel it.
i feel the detrimental nature and effect of going astray,
could this be the gist?

a cultured man, full of responsibility wakes up daily
and like the lazy and crude man they both face it..
the unnerving uncertainty of the essence of their being.. In some beings the elusive nature of such essence paves way for the loss of good will.
The question comes up again, could this be the gist?

the heart of a body..
the soul of a life..
the nucleus of a cell..
 the engine of a locomotive..
and the subject matter..

the indescribable force that adds meaning to all existence,
 this is it.
 the essence of being..

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Existence and Purpose

**This is a rough piece of work.. Its a product of boredom**

Emotions are there to be felt,
faces are there to be seen,
Rules are there to be broken,
Words are there to be spoken,
 Voices are there to be heard,
life is there to be lived,
life is there to be taken,
Lies are there to be told,
Conscience is there to be killed and
work is there to be done..

This is what i see  as Existence and Purpose. Everything in existence has a purpose. one might see the purpose and appreciate it, another might not. Regardless of that, Existence and Purpose is the reality.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fathers Day Aftermath

Fathers Day got me questioning myself. My Dad has done a lot for me. He has been there from day 1. He has been a good role model, not only a good role model but the best. When I become a Father, will I be able to do the same for my kids?

There are lots of family pics in the Photo album and he is in the pics with me, my sister Sharai and my mum. i know many people who have no clue who their dad is. All they know is he is alive and doing his thing somewhere on this planet.

I have memories from as far as i can remember. The man* took his time to take me to nursery school. He would walk me to the bus top, sometimes he would ride the bus with me. When he had time off from work he drove me to my nursery school. This did not change when i started going to primary school. The man took whatever time he had to drive me to school and to pick me up. i grew older,  he taught me life skills. everything from behaviour to changing a flat tyre. The man is and has always been Coolness personified.

I can hold an array of tools in my hand, from the pencil to the ox-drawn plough. these experiences were monitored by my Father who made me the man I am today. When i look at my father i see a great man, awesome father (to me and my sister) and a really great husband (to my mum). All this takes me back to my thoughts and questions : Will I be able to do the same for my family? Will I be able to hold it together?

I guess it won't be as hard since i have the right role model. i just hope i am not being too positive. This post is about exposing my insecurities about life but it is about appreciating what i have been shown and given by my father. this is in fact my Fathers day tribute to the Living Legend  Mr Gideon Mutanga

*I refer to my father as "the man" out of pure respect and admiration. He is the man simply because he IS the man!